ICCCAS Invited Speaker
Jianglin Wei
Yibin University, China
Biography: Jianglin Wei received the
M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electronic information and mathematics from Gunma
University, Japan, in 2019 and 2022, respectively. In 2022, he joined Yibin
University as an assistant professor in the school of Electronic Information
and Engineering. His research interests include analog/mixed-signal IC
design and testing, and DSP algorithms.
Speech Title: Divide and Concquire:
Floating-Point Arithmetic Algorithms Based on Taylor-Series Expansion
This invited talk presents our research findings on efficient
floating-point algorithms for computations such as division, exponentiation,
square root, inverse square root, and logarithms, all leveraging the Taylor
series expansion. In this work, methods for mantissa region division and
mantissa region conversion were developed. Additionally, we examine the
trade-offs between the number of additions, subtractions, and
multiplications, as well as the Look-Up Table (LUT) size in hardware, to
identify the most suitable algorithm for engineering designs and to develop
the optimal hardware device.