Call for Papers

CFP Flyer-English | 中文征稿通知

The purpose of 14th ICCCAS is to provide a common forum for researchers, scientists, and students from all over the world to present their latest research findings, ideas, developments and applications in the areas of Communications, Circuits and Systems. Prospective authors are invited to submit research papers in the following areas, but not limited to:

Circuits and Systems
☆ Cognitive Radio and AI-Enabled Networks
☆ Communication and Information System Security
☆ Communication QoS, Reliability and Modeling
☆ Communication Software and Multimedia
☆ Communication Theory
☆ Green Communication Systems and Networks
☆ IoT and Sensor Networks
☆ Mobile & Wireless Networks
☆ Next-Generation Networking and Internet
☆ Optical Networks & Systems
☆ Signal Processing for Communications
☆ Wireless Communications
☆ Aerial Communications
☆ Big Data
☆ Cloud Computing, Networking and Storage
☆ E-Health
☆ Full-Duplex Communications
☆ Machine Learning for Communications
☆ Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications
☆ Quantum Communications & Computing
☆ Satellite and Space Communications
☆ Smart Grid Communications
☆ Social Networks
☆ Integrated Circuit Design and Automation
☆ Analog and Mixed Signal Circuits and Systems
☆ Communications Circuits and Systems
☆ Sensory Circuits and Systems
☆ Nonlinear Systems and Circuit Theory
☆ Visual Signal Processing and Communications
☆ Education in Circuits and Systems
☆ Beyond CMOS: Nanoelectronics and Hybrid Systems Integration
☆ Digital Integrated Circuits and Systems
☆ Power and Energy Circuits and Systems
☆ Biomedical Circuits and Systems
☆ Neural Networks and Neuromorphic Engineering
☆ Digital Signal Processing
☆ Multimedia Systems and Applications
☆ Artificial Intelligent & Deep Learning
☆ Smart Systems for Automotive
☆ Personalized Healthcare Systems
☆ Brain: Innovation NeuroTechnologies
☆ Information Theory, Coding & Cryptography
☆ Intelligent Security Systems
☆ Cyber-Physical Systems
☆ Disaster Prevention and Mitigation
☆ Sustainable Computing and Systems
☆ Energy-aware Systems and Services