ICCCAS 2025 Invited Speaker
Junsong Peng
East China Normal University, China
Biography: Junnsong Peng received his Ph.D. in Physics from Shanghai Jiaotong University (China) in 2013. His research interests include mode-locked fiber lasers and nonlinear fiber optics. He did his postdoc research at Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden and Aston University, UK, successively from 2013 to 2016. He is now a professor at State Key Laboratory of Precision Spectroscopy, East China Normal University. Dr Peng’s research areas focus on nonlinear science of mode-locked lasers. His research activities have been awarded with the Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowships in 2014, National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars in 2020, and Shanghai Rising-Star Program in 2020.